Why Love and Compassion is True Success

Over the eons holy persons have tried to teach a dense humanity that love and compassion is the greatest pursuit of life, but only today, with the growing connectivity of peoples, the sharing of universal information, and with the advancement of science and technology which can bring back people from the brink of final death– only now do we enjoy another kind of testimony. There are a myriad of near-death-experience testimonies that all conclude the same–that the truest and most substantial success in reality is learning to manifest love on this frontier land of lovelessness. But what might be a metaphysical way to understand this deepest truth?

Let us compare a simple act of compassion, to obtaining rulership over the entire world. When we are compassionate, we embrace a person, an entity which is connected to (and therefore a manifestation of) the entirety of the universe. Hence, in embracing him, her, it, we embrace ALL that is, in one fell swoop, taking everything onto ourselves. On the other hand, when we embrace power, wealth, dominion, or any other finite thing, we embrace only a fraction of all that is.

Such a simple argument, such an elementary reasoning! Do you presume that the most profound truth must be more complicated?

If you have any capacity for wisdom, you will see its truth and power. But if you choose to persist in your spiritual slumber, in your sleeping in sloth, then you will brush off this simple point as you linger in spiritual mediocrity until you finally awaken–for God does give you eternity, after all!

The compassionate one is the most successful in life!

But wait. This kind of reasoning is likely to escape most peoples’ ego consciousness as it develops in this physical-temporal world. So since most egos are too loud to succumb to the quieter voice of wisdom, let me elaborate some more on just why compassion is true success:

You see, we come from what might be called Heaven before we were born, and we eventually return to this same realm after we die. When we die, we shed all the vain concerns of our ego identities in order to re-enter the pure light of Love, which is the environment of Heaven.

On a sidenote, we can choose to resist this purification by holding on to elements of our vain egos, trapping ourselves in hellish places until we re-accept the light, but most of us choose purification and escape such Hell at death.

Nevertheless, our home is the realm of Heaven where we take for granted the paradise of God’s Love, as the infant beings we are, suckering of the milk of God, which is Love liquified. After consuming this milk and becoming strong enough, we choose to incarnate into this physical-temporal world which is on the outskirts of Heaven like a frontier land, in order to learn to manifest, in our own strength, the Love which we take for granted in Heaven. And by and by, take our place as co-creators, advancing the realm of Heaven unending. This is what we are meant to be as created beings.

But along the way, like lost lambs, we become sidetracked, distracted by other and lesser and impure pleasures and promises of pleasures such as ambition, wealth, power, or any other of the vain pursuits of the ego. Moreover, some darker pleasures like those involving abusing others might lead many souls into hellish places as well, both in the physical and the spiritual life, unless these souls repent of their darker energies in physical life or at death. Upon death, however, they may not be allowed to easily repent, the darker the pleasures they engaged in in life, since other darker and more powerful beings like Deamons will do their utmost to distract these souls from approaching the light, thereby dragging them into Hell itself. A place which was never intended for God’s infant beings but had to be allowed in the honor of Free Will, which makes beings capable of Love itself.

But returning to our lesson: When in life we embrace another person authentically, we embrace him or her and all of God’s Creation, and therefore God, because he or she is an authentic manifestation of God. Therefore we accomplish in this action of compassion the very reason we came to this incarnation–to grow from infants who only succor of God’s Love, to children who begin to manifest Love itself. Through compassion, we avoid selling the purpose of our existence cheaply for all the things that we might seek here in our egos, all the pleasures we can ever imagine. For any and all good things are MORE available cheaply or abundantly and purely in Heaven. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36) Our soul is our spiritual access, our key, as it were, to the Kingdom of Heaven.

In short, by acting in compassion, we choose the one and most precious thing in all of Creation–Love itself, and in course, God Itself. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field” (Matthew 13: 24).

Therefore I say again and finally, the compassionate one is the most successful in life– not just by earthly measure, but by eternal measure–which is why I use the word MOST successful. For he and she has found the BIGGEST TREASURE which is LOVE, and God Itself!

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