Mystic In a Truck

This world we see is one narrow, moral focus, a
magnification of self as we stray from our unified Self. It
sits at the opposite end of the tunnel from paradise, where
we dip and melt into the larger Self at will. Here have I
entered the cab of my truck to magnify my magnification,
all to see you and me, magnified! “This very day you will
be with me in Paradise,” Jesus said to the thief on the
cross, all because this criminal was now willing to choose
Self over his self by embracing he who attained Selfhood.

We are not God because we are not even fully Us
until we have embraced the souls of our fellows in
brotherly love. But when we are prepared to be our full
Self, as soul unified with all souls, we see God right before
our face, as the image in the mirror stares at that which it
images. Images of God are we, but only when we have
come to brotherly love. What strange thoughts can
present themselves to a man when he is freed up to

These two paragraphs are taken from my autobiographical book: The Socratic Trucker: An American Memoir. This inspiration is very consistent with the picture of reality we get when we examine near-death-experiences. This physical-temporal world is truly a magnification of the spiritual world, and in and of itself, our lives now and our egos are as important as termites building a mound. So if we were able to channel our consciousness into the bodies of termites, as our souls presently channel into our physical bodies, would there be no meaning at all to the experience?

Yes, there would. One and one meaning only–our RELATIONSHIPS with our fellow termites, whether we love or not!

New American Spring!

Revolution of Vision, Evolution of World…

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