NDE Podcast Letter

From: New American Spring <founder@newamericanspring.org>
Date: Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 9:08 AM
Subject: Another Fan
To: <John@ndepodcast.org>

Dear Chas and John:

I am a caseworker serving the elderly population in Florida. I was first introduced to the idea of after-death experiences when I took a class called “The Theology of Death and Dying” in 1997 at Fordham University, which was a part of my Masters in Liberal Studies program at the time. This course featured the trailblazing Dr. Moody’s Life After Life text.

I grew up Catholic and was always religiously disposed, so much so that a close friend of the family nicknamed me Priestman when I was a young boy. Later, I came to understand that my attraction to religion is only a symptom of my truer attraction to spirituality itself. Religion is only our human effort to codify the otherwise ineffable.

When I was in my college years, I would begin to experience a sort of disembodied love, a spiritual love. This caused me to examine the monastic life as a possible religious calling, since monks pursue the love of God directly. I did not find a fit in the monasteries, however, because I’ve always had a very stubborn sense of an active mission in the world, and I was only seeking a place, at the time, where my spirituality can incubate. But by the will of God, I had to remain in the “real world” while finding my calling, and here I am still.

I believe that God is allowing the proliferation of near-death accounts because our world is coming into a stage where this truth will be needed to counteract the great varieties of pictures of reality which humankind are being subjected to, some of which are insidious indeed. The fear of death is the greatest obstacle to humanity. It can force people to take drastic measures which are greatly detrimental to their souls, such as perhaps being convinced to live forever in virtual reality worlds through technology, a sort of counterfeit of our spiritual lives after death. What would be detrimental about this is that in such an existence, we would be cut off from God’s love and would be trapped in a sort of solipsistic Hell.

When I was in grad school I had my most profound spiritual experience which is somewhat similar to the near-death experience, except that it happened in the shower. I was swooped into what might be called the Third Heaven for a few minutes. Here, I saw a churning white cloud, and I seemed amidst it, and with every unfolding of the cloud, I experienced the blissful Love of God. This sparked me writing a poem which begins:

The Love of God is like a Churning Cloud of Light,

Wherewith every turning,

There is a new bliss.

This experience, by the way, followed my reading at the time a book called The Cloud of Unknowing by an anonymous monk, written for those who are contemplatively called.

At any rate, I find Chas’ podcast very helpful for those trying to understand spiritual things without necessarily having to consult abstruse, spiritual texts of various religious traditions. Today, I feel I am approaching my mission in life, the reason my soul came here, in my social movement concept at Www.NewAmericanSpring.Org. Please consider sharing this with your audience. On the homepage, there is a link to my main blog, as I am a writer and a teacher by nature. 

I almost feel as though I might be a spirit guide in spirit form, come into this world also like a blank tape to rediscover truth from scratch, lol.

Do keep up the good work, my NDE Podcast friends. I try to recommend this podcast whenever I can to my elderly clients. This population is at a time in their lives where the question of suffering and the purpose in life itself is most stark.


Roger Farinha, Founder

New American Spring

Blessed are the Peacemakers

The latest flare up of conflict in the Middle east between the Israelis and the Palestinians is a stark reminder that while on this earth, we cannot escape the ongoing struggle between good and evil. But the way in which we delineate good and evil is the most critical point. There is no such thing as a necessarily good Israeli verses a necessarily evil Palestinian, nor a necessarily good Palestinian verses a necessarily evil Israeli. Collections of people cannot correspond to distinctions of good or evil, but rather the actions of individuals. Those who act in compassion, on the face-to-face level, these are the good, these are the Children of God. While those who participate in all aspects hate, revenge, or social separation, these are the ones who are seduced by the deception of evil, these are those who choose to become the Children of the Devil.

To appreciate this Truth in more detail, you may read this previous blog:

Good, Evil, Money, Slavery and Human Destiny!

The tragic development of conflict between Israel and Palestine is the work of the Children of the Devil, both on the side of Israel, and on the side of Palestine. On the side of Isael, I would not put it past such evil ones to have actually hoped for and even intentionally allowed an attack on Israel (the uncharacteristic failure of intelligence?) in order to have the rationale to annex all of the Gaza Strip and possibly eventually the West Bank, both in their fallacious attempt to seize by their own hands what God promised, and in their ego warmth of superiority over the Arabs. On the side of the Palestinians, I would not put it past similarly evil hearted ones to seek to sabotage any possible peace deal, as they prefer to see Israel wiped off the face of the map than to tolerate any kind of “insult” either to the imperialism of Islam, or in expression of their vain egos’ destructive impulse to forever thwart the Jews. And in between are the largely innocent, oblivious people of Israel, used as collateral damage by their own “protectors;” and the tragic and duped people of Palestine, used as fodder by their own “defenders.”

Oh how the evil ones, both on the side of Israel and on the side of Palestine, have worked hand-in-hand, like the spiritual bosom buddies they are, in order to produce this spectacle of death! And all in order to make this world a more welcoming place for their common Father of Lusts!

“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it” (John 8:44).

Yet I tell you, amidst the black and acrid smoke of death and destruction, the pure light of God’s Truth and Love shines undaunted!

A child is he or she who does the will of his or her parent. The will of God is love. The will of the Devil is conflict and destruction. By our actions, we choose whose children we are, and at any time, we can choose to change parents.

There are many ways of conceiving of reality, of making sense of our world. For some, the concept of God and the concept of the Devil are useful. But there is one truth, regardless of our choices of nomenclatures, or modes of conception. Whether one chooses to replace the term God with “Love, unity or compassion” or Devil with “hate, conflict or destruction” is not the critical point. Rather, these polar realities are what is important. Therefore, to satisfy those who might not prefer the names of God and the Devil, let me alternatively ask, which side of forces and action are you on? Love and unity or hate and destruction?

I therefore implore the individuals inheriting the title of Israelis and the individuals inheriting the title of Palestinians. Today you have become intimately acquainted with death, your great leveler. Today you have been awakened to the fact that you are equally human. And now you must choose what kind of human you are. Will you turn the other cheek to those who choose the evil way and choose to act instead in love and compassion, in the face of the nearness of death?

To our limited, ego consciousness, death is losing and defeat, but I welcome you to read another blog of mine which unveils the bigger picture:

Why Love and Compassion is True Success

For I tell you, the time has come in human evolution where people are now called to act, on the national level, in the way taught by our most historically pertinent, spiritual teacher:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person(Matthew 5:38).

Let us therefore take to heart what we were taught: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). This is not Christian nor Judaism nor Islam. This is of God. And what better place for this movement to start than in the Holy Land!? 

Or will you choose to participate in the hate and destruction, in the spirit, whether you realize it or not, of reveling in death itself?

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Children of God.

New American Spring!

Revolution of Vision, Evolution of World…

PS: This message is part 1 to “Children of God Movement” and “The Wisdom of ‘Turn the Other Cheek.'”

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Happy Near to Me

On a Friday night,

As my baby girl peers into her phone,

Happy near to papa,

A distant shimmering light,

Eludes me,

On the horizon of my deepest innermost,

An illusive savor,

Escapes my senses.

Heaven teases me,

Flashes its smile and hides its face again,

Peek-a-boo to you,

And an indescribable happiness,

Flirts with my soul.

Oh mystic modern father,

In little known,

Somewhere Florida!

Spiritual Light Poem

Darkness is the un-manifest.

Light is the God-manifest.

Evil is the perversion of the God manifest,

Which infests the darkness.

Heaven is at the center or summit of Creation,

Earth is on the outskirts of Creation,

On Earth, both Heavenly and Evil influences co-mingle–

Just like on the outskirts of a civilization,

Citizens and Villains might co-mingle.

Your Soul is God manifested,

And therefore light,

Pure light if you accept God in your Free Will,

And Heaven is your natural home.

But corrupted light if you reject God in your Free Will,

And the Hellish darkness is your inheritance.

               Until you Repent, that is,

               Utilizing your Free Will,

               To accept God again.

While you are on this physical-temporal plane,

This outskirt of Heaven,

Do not fall to the temptation of Evil,

To turn away from your Creator,

To taint your pure light, your soul,

To forget your natural and Heavenly home,

And to get lost in the darkness,

Which is full of other tainted beings.

For these beings will torment you,

And you will not have the light of Heaven,

To guide your feet.

But remember now and always,

And don’t miss the opportunity,

To Cry out to God,

To embrace your Creator,

To show the love on this Earth,

Which is abundant in the Heavenly realm,

Your home.

And do what you are here to do.

Represent the Kingdom of Heaven,

As a true citizen would,

In Love and Compassion,

On this frontier Earth!

Why Love and Compassion is True Success

Over the eons holy persons have tried to teach a dense humanity that love and compassion is the greatest pursuit of life, but only today, with the growing connectivity of peoples, the sharing of universal information, and with the advancement of science and technology which can bring back people from the brink of final death– only now do we enjoy another kind of testimony. There are a myriad of near-death-experience testimonies that all conclude the same–that the truest and most substantial success in reality is learning to manifest love on this frontier land of lovelessness. But what might be a metaphysical way to understand this deepest truth?

Let us compare a simple act of compassion, to obtaining rulership over the entire world. When we are compassionate, we embrace a person, an entity which is connected to (and therefore a manifestation of) the entirety of the universe. Hence, in embracing him, her, it, we embrace ALL that is, in one fell swoop, taking everything onto ourselves. On the other hand, when we embrace power, wealth, dominion, or any other finite thing, we embrace only a fraction of all that is.

Such a simple argument, such an elementary reasoning! Do you presume that the most profound truth must be more complicated?

If you have any capacity for wisdom, you will see its truth and power. But if you choose to persist in your spiritual slumber, in your sleeping in sloth, then you will brush off this simple point as you linger in spiritual mediocrity until you finally awaken–for God does give you eternity, after all!

The compassionate one is the most successful in life!

But wait. This kind of reasoning is likely to escape most peoples’ ego consciousness as it develops in this physical-temporal world. So since most egos are too loud to succumb to the quieter voice of wisdom, let me elaborate some more on just why compassion is true success:

You see, we come from what might be called Heaven before we were born, and we eventually return to this same realm after we die. When we die, we shed all the vain concerns of our ego identities in order to re-enter the pure light of Love, which is the environment of Heaven.

On a sidenote, we can choose to resist this purification by holding on to elements of our vain egos, trapping ourselves in hellish places until we re-accept the light, but most of us choose purification and escape such Hell at death.

Nevertheless, our home is the realm of Heaven where we take for granted the paradise of God’s Love, as the infant beings we are, suckering of the milk of God, which is Love liquified. After consuming this milk and becoming strong enough, we choose to incarnate into this physical-temporal world which is on the outskirts of Heaven like a frontier land, in order to learn to manifest, in our own strength, the Love which we take for granted in Heaven. And by and by, take our place as co-creators, advancing the realm of Heaven unending. This is what we are meant to be as created beings.

But along the way, like lost lambs, we become sidetracked, distracted by other and lesser and impure pleasures and promises of pleasures such as ambition, wealth, power, or any other of the vain pursuits of the ego. Moreover, some darker pleasures like those involving abusing others might lead many souls into hellish places as well, both in the physical and the spiritual life, unless these souls repent of their darker energies in physical life or at death. Upon death, however, they may not be allowed to easily repent, the darker the pleasures they engaged in in life, since other darker and more powerful beings like Deamons will do their utmost to distract these souls from approaching the light, thereby dragging them into Hell itself. A place which was never intended for God’s infant beings but had to be allowed in the honor of Free Will, which makes beings capable of Love itself.

But returning to our lesson: When in life we embrace another person authentically, we embrace him or her and all of God’s Creation, and therefore God, because he or she is an authentic manifestation of God. Therefore we accomplish in this action of compassion the very reason we came to this incarnation–to grow from infants who only succor of God’s Love, to children who begin to manifest Love itself. Through compassion, we avoid selling the purpose of our existence cheaply for all the things that we might seek here in our egos, all the pleasures we can ever imagine. For any and all good things are MORE available cheaply or abundantly and purely in Heaven. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36) Our soul is our spiritual access, our key, as it were, to the Kingdom of Heaven.

In short, by acting in compassion, we choose the one and most precious thing in all of Creation–Love itself, and in course, God Itself. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field” (Matthew 13: 24).

Therefore I say again and finally, the compassionate one is the most successful in life– not just by earthly measure, but by eternal measure–which is why I use the word MOST successful. For he and she has found the BIGGEST TREASURE which is LOVE, and God Itself!




I am like a man,

Dead and whose soul,

Mourns in the grave, amidst my corpse,


Yet walking and talking,

Among my fellow dead.

I cry for that vitality,

That deeper life,

Which will make my breathing,


All the world and the things of the world,

Which lay before me,

Decaying too,

Are like transparent ghosts.

And I dig the heavens,

The innermost me,

For the light again,

The light which shines,

brighter than the transparencies!


Most people depend on the natural level of stimulation of the brain, and if they suffer a neuro-chemical diminishment of dopamine, they become depressed. But some people suffer a different ailment–a spiritual dark night of the soul, which can look like depression. This state is where they see beyond the emptiness and vanity of the world, of people and their petty pursuits. This dark night of the soul, of some, must then lead to their soul’s light breaking through the brain, giving them a dauntless, spiritual stimulation. This is a miracle. This is what makes saints. This is my hope and desire!

Eulogy for My Only Brother

Eulogy for George Farinha:

“Who Is George, not Who Was George”

by Roger Farinha

I title my eulogy “Who Is George” because I have the deepest and most unbreakable faith and assurance that our souls are immortal, never to die. Our souls live in the realm called Heaven, where God’s indescribable Love is superabundant. George has only returned home.

As a younger brother growing up with George, the one thing that strikes me about my big brother’s personality is that he is a practical joker. Every one of his siblings was a but of his pranks, but his older sister Sheron was a particular target. The family would just smilingly wag their heads while recounting George’s boyhood antics, loving George for the unique breath of fresh air his personality brought to the family.

A particular memory I have was the time when our pig broke loose from its pen, and George and his friends went a-hunting. They scoured the woods all evening, and after dark they came back, successful. What was most humorous about the event is that afterward, they made up a song about the great hunt, along a campfire, and George sang of how they had to “lasso the pig by the battie.” Battie means but, for those who are not aware of Guyanese slang.

Our father also recounts a memory that forever stuck with him. George found a way to get revenge when he was a boy, on the older boys who would accept his mangoes for sale but would refuse to pay him. George invited them one day to the mango tree to pick all they could eat, and when they crossed the trench to the mango tree, George started pelting our Africanized beehive with rocks. The bees came out angrily and gave George’s enemies a proper stinging.

This is George as the practical joker member of our family, but George was also a man of action. George would always be on the move. He just couldn’t seem to stand still. He always had a group of friends with him on his adventures. He would race motorbikes on the streets of Brooklyn. He would hit the nightclubs on the hunt for girls. He would spend hours fixing up his fast cars. And in the evening, he would drink heavily with his friends. But this brings me to his own brand of generosity.

George would throw big parties, have big weddings, and he would always supply the liquor. When he did something, he did it big, never small. I know that one of the main reasons why he is so loved is for this very magnanimity.   

But I would now like to end with something about George that no one maybe ever really understood. George was besieged by his mind. According to the dictionary, to be besieged is to be surrounded by armed forces. I’m not saying George was surrounded by armed forces of people, but he was plagued by another sort of attacker—his restless mind.

Back in 1983 or 1984 when I was just 12 and George was about 16, we shared a room in our apartment above a bar at the time,right here on Avenue D, across from the old Discount store. George was on his way out the window again, as he would sneak out every night. Being more of a homebody and never one to roam the streets, I asked him that evening “George, why do you always go out every night?” How he answered me kind of stuck with me as something very important about him. He said, while shaking his head, “I just can’t rest my mind.”

In life, we are all born with our own burdens. No one knows what challenges are endured by any other. This is the meaning of the old Indian adage “don’t judge a man unless you have walked a hundred miles in his moccasins.” The bottom line is, I see a part of George that we should always keep in mind if we will truly appreciate him. George was a kind of RELENTLESS WARRIOR in a battle that lasted for 56 years, against the forces of his restless mind. His mind would take him to great highs, and everyone would love him then as he would be the life of the party. And who knows if his heavy drinking in these instances was not done as his way of slowing his racing mind, even after having worked HARD all day to satisfy his restlessness? But sometimes, when no one is around to see, George’s mind would take him to the greatest lows. Inside George, there was a pit of darkness and depression so deep that no one could truly ever understand—except maybe today.

So, to send off my beloved brother I pray: “Refresh yourself now, my brother besieged. Your soul no longer must endure the endless restlessness. God Himself refreshes you and gives you the energy and strength you need to mount up like a phoenix from the ashes. Sore high, my big brother. Sore high forever. I only now wag MY head when I think: our family on earth may have lost their practical joker, but Heaven is now in for it! Lol. 

Grand Evolution of Love

God’s creation is one grand Evolution of Love, and our known universe is on the outskirts of His great Kingdom of Love. But Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy Kingdom Come, on Earth, as It Is in Heaven.” God’s Kingdom of Love is on the advance, and we human beings play a role in this advance. We may get distracted by ego, ambition, greed, and many other negative “mistakes” made by beings (our eternal souls) who came from love and who will return to love and who are here to learn one thing only–how to manifest love in a frontier land–our physical plane of existence right now. So I repeat: God’s creation is one grand Evolution of Love, and we are here to learn how to participate in this creation by finding new expressions of that love in this world–within our families, societies, countries. DON’T MISS THE MARK!

Mystic In a Truck

This world we see is one narrow, moral focus, a
magnification of self as we stray from our unified Self. It
sits at the opposite end of the tunnel from paradise, where
we dip and melt into the larger Self at will. Here have I
entered the cab of my truck to magnify my magnification,
all to see you and me, magnified! “This very day you will
be with me in Paradise,” Jesus said to the thief on the
cross, all because this criminal was now willing to choose
Self over his self by embracing he who attained Selfhood.

We are not God because we are not even fully Us
until we have embraced the souls of our fellows in
brotherly love. But when we are prepared to be our full
Self, as soul unified with all souls, we see God right before
our face, as the image in the mirror stares at that which it
images. Images of God are we, but only when we have
come to brotherly love. What strange thoughts can
present themselves to a man when he is freed up to

These two paragraphs are taken from my autobiographical book: The Socratic Trucker: An American Memoir. This inspiration is very consistent with the picture of reality we get when we examine near-death-experiences. This physical-temporal world is truly a magnification of the spiritual world, and in and of itself, our lives now and our egos are as important as termites building a mound. So if we were able to channel our consciousness into the bodies of termites, as our souls presently channel into our physical bodies, would there be no meaning at all to the experience?

Yes, there would. One and one meaning only–our RELATIONSHIPS with our fellow termites, whether we love or not!

New American Spring!

Revolution of Vision, Evolution of World…

American Child: A 4th of July Ovation

My family legally immigrated to the United States in 1981 while fleeing a vengeful kleptocrat not much different from Vladimir Putin of today who had his sights on our property and family. Forbes Burnham, the ruler of our native Guyana from 1964-1985, used his political power to steal his country’s resources, threatening my father with co-option of his business at risk of our family.

Interestingly, at this time in the 1970’s the American CIA was at the peak of its anti-communist meddling abroad and was partly responsible for Burnham’s success over his political opponent in Guyanese politics, an opposing presidential candidate whom the CIA deemed more “socialist.” Little did they know that their chosen ruler’s ambition would still entangle his country with Russia and that his hypocritical greed would tyrannize his people as he would come to threaten my two oldest siblings with conscription into an abusive army if my father resisted his usurpations. Our parents nevertheless also believed in the traditional promise of America as a land of refuge and opportunity for immigrants, so we set soar on the jet plane for the Promised Land.

I was a boy of nine years in that year of 1981. I recalled my plane trip to America and a gorgeous stewardess who bent forward and warmly asked, “apple or orange juice?” Frankly, even at that age a beautiful woman threw my system into a whirl, so I sort of clammed up. But not missing a beat, she chose for me, and it was the first time I tasted apple juice while, interestingly, on my way to the Big Apple.

After my family fled to this country my younger sister and I, still minors, were promptly naturalized under my father’s tutelage. Today, I re-affirm the statement I made in my mid-life autobiography of 2012 that my father’s decision for me to become naturalized “could not have been better made by myself, so much have I come to identify with the historical and human significance of this country.”

I often dream that as my own family fled from the socialist hypocrisy of our native Guyana, America might benefit from the human wealth within my own character, just as this country benefitted from the Jewish refugees of Nazi Germany. These include the most famous Albert Einstein, Otto Loewi, and Max Bergmann. These thoughts occurred to me after an encounter of Petra Moser’s paper titled “German-Jewish Emigres and U.S. Invention” during my college years. Moser observes how these immigrants revolutionized U.S. science and technology, as I hope to do the same for my American society.

So in this essay I’m going to account for my choice of a higher education and in the process I will connect my testimony to a very important issue for our generation today, that of student borrowing and its larger implications about America itself. To do this I will attempt to explain why, despite its contemporary critics, I think America is still so special, my rationale for borrowing heavily for my education, and my gratitude for America’s benevolence despite the imperfection of the student loan program presently.

Now, to some history:

On the 15th of June in the year 1215 a historically miraculous thing happened, socially analogous to the first spark of life in the primordial ocean. The then King John of England was running amuck with his royal power, sapping the resources of his kingdom to serve his ambition for military conquest and bullying his subjects into submission with an arbitrary and oppressive administration. This unbearable situation resulted in the rebellion of his barons, forcing him to sign an agreement at Runnymede intended to put a check on the king’s abuses. With the penning of the document of the Magna Carta, the noblemen of England set the first popular precedent in our Western originated chain reaction of practical democracy.

Perhaps you might wonder at my choice of the Magna Carta in representing a pivotal moment in history, since the document was so immediately disregarded by King John after its signing and subsequently seemed rather minor in its historical influence. I choose the signing of the Magna Carta as the central historical event in the lineage of America’s soul, however, because its symbolic impact is critical. Why? Because the pattern holds that the then barons of King John, as against their king, are even today imaged by an American people, as against their “democratic” government or any other opposing body to the interests of the averaged folk. I put the word democratic in quotes because it should never be unthinkable that any form of government is immune to tyrannical evolution, as many citizens today will testify to the increasing corruption in our present democracy. Hint, hint: money politics and our resulting corporate tainted democracy, corporate tainted media, etc.

The revolutionary thirteenth century idea that subjects might have any conceivable right to assert their own claim to life, liberty and justice against an arbitrary and tyrannical government set the very distant course for your and my own inheritance as Americans today. While the fight for social justice still continues against all forms of social and political tyranny in our contemporary world, from the socialist hypocrisy of my original native experience to varieties of dictatorships and the very many present forms of corruption around our globe, America still symbolically stands as a beacon if not a perfectly effective role-model of shining liberty, the open boast of democracy, and general rule of law. So although our democracy is being slowly compromised by corporate influence, which is ultimately the instrument of a moneyed elite, We, The People still have the essential leverage to retake control. This is ultimately what makes America “great,” and this is why I consider myself so indebted to this nation.

But please bear with me in examining a bit more closely the circumstances surrounding the historical accomplishment of the Magna Carta and its defining America’s democratic and populist soul. The English barons who stood up to King John set the precedent for the original American colonists to stand up to King George III of England in July of 1776 through our Declaration of Independence, birthing a new nation specifically dedicated to all the greatest and hard-won ideals of Western civilization to date.

At this point let me insert a little thought which I feel is important, a useful tangent if you will. Although I am of an ethnically mixed, South American heritage, I do not buy into the idea that I need to trace great historical accomplishments to my own “people” in order to feel good about myself. I would like to suggest that identity politics does not produce empowerment so much as accentuate social dysfunction. For the honor of Western civilization, in my mind, is no less than its very aspect as a human civilization. The accomplishment of any one people properly serves the glory of all mankind, and the sooner we internalize this truth, the quicker we will move beyond the mire of identity-based dysfunction!

Returning to our historical account, such an authentic, populist spirit was imbued in the Magna Carta that the surf subjects of the English barons were themselves granted some rights by the very barons who just leveraged influence for themselves. I’m sure you can see the significance in this strangely noble action, since how common is it for any group gaining empowerment for themselves to turn to others that they have power over and ease up on them, as a matter of principle? Maybe this might happen if the newly empowered are trying to live up to, say, some religious example or something? This is why I suspect that the English Barons showing some mindfulness to their surf subjects very likely had as their influencing factor the Christian Church itself in England at the time.

This principled action on the Barons’ part of treating their own subjects slightly better was most likely initiated at the behest of such a moral exemplar in English society at the time as, say, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, who played a pivotal role in the negotiation of the Magna Carta. This act of fair play that Langton probably stressed, out of religious principle, was itself most likely a result of something called the Christian preference for the poor. This is a value long espoused by the Catholic Church and Christians generally, after the example of the most famous poor man who proved himself supremely valuable to the entire world, Jesus Christ.

Langton might himself have received inspiration from his famed predecessor, Thomas à Becket, whose example of speaking truth to the power of King Henry II was perhaps itself in emulation of Jesus’ original showdown with Caesar. I recommend reading the classical play titled “Murder in the Cathedral” to understand how the Church intermixed with political power in England during this general time frame. Although it’s a play written by T.S. Elliot during the rise of fascism in Europe and was perhaps written for just such effect of speaking truth to power, yet again, it still represents an authentic account, in my opinion, of how Christianity stood up to power in early Western formation and thereby left its imprint on the soul of America as the inheritor of the Western legacy. You might subsequently come to appreciate the classical Christian elements in Western culture, democracy, and even the evolution of liberalism itself—if you are open-minded.

Therefore, here is where, perhaps for the first time, the Christian heritage of the West mutated from the religious realm to liberation politics, giving birth to the greater hand of providence in Western history. Liberation politics refers to political movements which liberate or empower the people generally. Inspired again by the example of the poor but invaluable Jesus Christ, this Christian tendency to value the poor might have mutated to political change through the arbitration of Christian leaders such as Langton. Providence refers to the guiding hand of God in the world. So, the idea here is that if God guided the life, destiny and significance of Jesus Christ and changes the world through Christ, then the political leaders of our world who are moved through the influence of Christ are now part of the providential hand of God. This gets at the heart of the classical Christian origins of America, as traced through the Magna Carta and its resulting chain reaction of liberal and democratic, political precedents.

This essay is not primarily about history, however, so in the interest of abbreviating my own, historical speculations, and getting back to the story of the new world, let me surmise that America continued this historically noble precedent of liberation politics in freeing its own African slaves. Yet after all this, we common American folk still find ourselves in a continuing struggle against tyrannical forces bent on usurping our very life and liberty, now in corporate and hidden plutocratic guises, a government by a controlling class of the wealthy. This however brings me to the heart of my student loan story and to your and my good struggle: our calling as the next American generation to continue the good, historical fight.

I had to borrow heavily for my education because I had a hunger for the higher thoughts of humankind while my social inheritance was merely that of the tired and poor, of the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Due to America’s providentially inspired spirit of benevolence, discussed above, of believing in the value of the least of these, I discovered that while I had not the means to afford a higher education, our government nevertheless offered a pathway for even such idealists as me through its Federal Student Loan (FSL) program. I earned my Bachelors in the History of Modern Philosophy and my Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies almost entirely on student loans. Yet what might be considered worse than my heavily idealistic leanings, in the minds of some, is what I ended up doing with my education so earned on the wealth and treasure of others. I went on to lead a rambling lifestyle of no professional significance as a big-rig truck driver! I’m sure many young adults find themselves today in a similar situation of not exactly utilizing their education in a linear or obviously practical way, but does that mean their education was a waste? I do not mind becoming the poster child, as if were, for this issue, as I am confident in my significant destiny.

What did my education do for me? I assert that it made me a qualitatively better person in that spirit famously celebrated by the humanities. But if at this point some of you more “practical” folks should still entertain doubt about my redemption of my costly education, I ask you to consider how I am today utilizing my social loan.

Once an education is had and once a mind is opened, it continues on its higher trajectory. So I became a philosopher truck driver and an American social critic in imitation, of sorts, of our own Henry David Thoreau. The cab of my truck became my Walden Pond, a place to sit and endlessly contemplate with the tools of my higher education. Looking upon the state of my society as its middle class diminishes and as wealth polarizes to a growing few in a new globalization, while its humblest people earnestly strive for dignity, meaning and value in life, I was moved to write my book, The Socratic Trucker. To the end that, through my writing and contemplative adventure, I discovered the very next phase of our continuing American revolution—New American Spring!

Do you still suspect that my education was not utilized? Or that any education, once it opens a mind, might yet go to waste?

Hear me and hear me clearly: our New American Spring Social Program is destined to put the final capstone, as famously depicted on our American dollar, on the providential evolution of liberty, democracy, and general rule of law—against ALL tyranny before the people—even against that of our present-day, hidden plutocracy alluded to above. Our all-seeing eye shall here become the perpetually vigilant, We, The People, each blade of our grass-roots an individual eye looking toward justice, not only justice for ourselves, but justice within or among ourselves as we treat others equally and fairly–just like the barons of England were moved to protect their surfs in the spirit of their own won protections.  

This is where the larger significance of America involves my student story and possibly yours. In illustration of our continuing evolution, our American peoples’ struggle against the tyranny of wealth inequality touches the student loan industry itself. According to the student loan justice advocacy organization at StudentLoanJustice.Org, student loans have become “predatory and inflationary” due to their exemption from bankruptcy laws.

Our founding fathers considered the general protection of bankruptcy important enough to codify in Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution. This constitutional mandate was designed to encourage the development of healthy commercialism in our republic through discouraging fiscal irresponsibility on the part of financial institutions, while at the same time protecting the people from tyranny through debt. Although I do not personally object to the requirement that students repay their loans (and I am indeed taking responsibility for my own in utilizing the public service student loan forgiveness program), I do see how the effect of making these loans immune from bankruptcy, in addition to offering usury incentives to lenders, can and does result in lenders’ abuses. Such abuses include irresponsible lending and even callousness towards students’ defaults, glaring injustices which only render greater profits to lenders while further ensnaring We, The People. Worse yet, while further enslaving We, the Next Generation! And worst still, the very best of us as the educated.

From a broader perspective, one could argue that a society burdened with student loan debt is less likely to engage in collective political action or challenge existing power structures. This is because individuals burdened by debt may prioritize individual financial stability over participating in activism or political movements. Consequently, the argument suggests that student loan debt can indirectly contribute to a complacent and politically disengaged population, benefiting those in power who may prefer a less active citizenry. Some argue that this was the very motivation for making colleges expensive and student loans exempt from bankruptcy laws, as American leaders in the 1960’s saw the threat of young, educated “radicals.”

In this way the economic underwriters of our nation, and to an ever-growing degree, the world, the top 1% who hold the greater part of our common treasure become our new slave-owners. At this thought I have to sadly admit that in appreciating America’s generosity in affording me a higher education, I never conceived of this darker taint!

The free enterprise objection that everyone can become investors and ultimate underwriters falls flat in the face of America’s stark inequality of wealth. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (The OECD’s) 2013 evaluation of America as the third most economically unequal nation in income distribution among its citizens, just below Mexico and Chile, amounts to the rudest slap in the face of the American experiment itself! Is this the inevitable fate of a nation specifically dedicated to a rule of, by and for the people? And will we passively absorb this injustice, distracted with our new smartphones and video games and worst yet, virtual reality, as our world slips away? Might our overlords actually plan on keeping us distracted with their newest gadgets as a way of keeping us politically mute and impotent while they codify their absolute control over our body, mind and life—over our very soul!

In 2012 I went on to earn my Masters Certificate in Nonprofit leadership in order to launch and lead my New American Spring, reparative social movement outlined in the “Social Program.” To the effect that, while America has (albeit somewhat cynically) tossed its dice for me in its wager on the least of these, I too am gambling on America in my hope that the true and special significance of our New American Spring vison will be acknowledged, funded and supported by my worthy, fellow citizens.

 Therefore, with respect to my student loans, extended to me by the same providence inherited then handed down by America, I sincerely hope that I will not only someday pay off my obligation in good faith and gratitude, but that my educationally enriched life will prove a net gain for our great American experiment itself. History is beautiful and our future is bright, and we the educated can and must make good on our investment.

New American Spring!

Revolution of Vision, Evolution of World…